Thursday, 24 October 2013

Words It Makes The Man Spirit

Lots of words made ​​by a woman that the men could the spirit and unhappy . Talking about women and men are very easy to take a woman turns a man's heart through the words of his spoken word .
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Words It Makes The Man Spirit
The women were able to give encouragement to a man only through his mouth . If you do not believe you just practice it yourself . ( only for women ) . This word like magic or charm that can melt the heart of a man . It's amazing .
So the following is a romantic word from a woman to a man that the spirit and unhappy man lived his life . ( remember these words spoken only of women to men )
1 . Wow you're cool today.
The words are very meaningful if there are women who say such things to a man because it gives a cool compliment to say it is one of the preferred by men . Moreover, these words come from a lover or was he approached .
2 . You could be like this , you make me happy .
Well despite not really happened as you ( women ) expect but if you say that you are happy then a man will surely keep the spirit of life . Although the man was guilty or wrong do anything to you .
3 . Yeah I just follow you wrote , it's the best for me .
Wow there are women like this rarely , if at least 1 in 10 . Because of so many women , it turns out the average woman is selfish and does not want to budge let alone listen to the words of a man . This is what makes a man run the keep the spirit alive , if his women always follow the words of the man.
4 . I really believe you .
Wow this is very difficult to explain words , which certainly gives credence to a man is the duty of the lover / woman / wife . Because the confidence of a man capable of making the man responsible for his words of women . It also can keep the relationship as romantic as possible in order to stay in touch .
Well so that's a definite yes words can make a man more spirit to live this life . When a woman says that how the flowers blooming and the feeling of a man who would have been more happy .
There was also a positive effect to the woman , That 's for sure she will be loved by a man who the woman utters the above .


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