Friday, 18 October 2013

4 things from the guy who makes girls crazy

You might not think that if you sweat , scars and glasses can make the weather falls in love with a guy . As quoted from , there are four unique case of a guy who makes girls crazy .
1 . sweat
Sweat makes a guy look sexy and attractive . The girls were happy to see a football game most of the players who are interested in besides handsome , too sweaty . For women , there is nothing more sexy than seeing a guy who ran and sweat .
Researchers from the University of California , Berkeley said that sweating is a natural perfume . It turns out that making a girl infatuated with a guy sweat is a chemical that is naturally contained in it , namely androstadienone . These chemicals and hormones also stimulate girls increased sexual desire .
2 . scar
For girls , a guy who has a scar look more manly . The scar is like a magnet that makes a guy look more masculine , bold and full of mystery . In fact, according to research published in Science Daily , researchers from Liverpool University and Sterling said that the girl considers a guy who had a scar as a healthy guy , strong and brave .
3 . farm
Girls can learn the behavior and nature of the way the guy's guy treats the surrounding neighborhood , one of the plants . Required patience , attention and tenderness to breed a plant . A guy who can take care of the plants described by the girls as the guys who are responsible and care about the environment .
In a poll of 1,500 girls conducted by a magazine in English guys , guys who care about the environment tops the guy who liked girls . guys who spend 30 minutes each week for gardening or taking care of plants , referred to by researchers and health will have a good performance in bed .
4 . glasses
Based on a survey conducted by researchers from the University of Stockholm , girls will be more attracted to a guy who uses glasses . As thinking people in general , the glasses will make him look smart . girls feel that guys look more impressive and easy to communicate . Although intelligence is not always associated with glasses . But certainly , intelligence affecting sperm quality guy. Researchers from New Mexico to try to prove it by testing the sperm from some guy in Vietnam . The result shows that the guy has a high berintelejensi more healthy sperm .


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