All the boys would know why so many girls like to talk , and the most preferred is the gossip girl why is that ? Whether the girl was indeed identical to gossip ? not ! girl was a lot of talk . Especially when talking to each other , as reported
The main points are the girls like to talk . This has been going and going for thousands of years .
Did you know that girls do not need a reason to start a conversation and do not require the ultimate goal to finish her conversation . This is the one that distinguishes between girls and boys . Why this could happen. And what happened in the past so it could happen like this
To explain it we should be used to activate the time machine and go back to tens of thousands of years ago . When Human Species which have not become the ruler of the earth and at that time the girl spent most of his time living in the cave . Whereas the mature guy hunting for food.
While in Goa , the girl did what activities together . They will continue talks to build a bond . No one defiled which makes them unable to speak freely
Unlike the guy . When hunting they will be silent . This is done so that the prey was not surprised . In other words all day long they chatted a little more than the girl .
Surely you think the illustration above is a " ridiculous joke of pirates " . This is not a Scientific discovery of the book by Barbara and Allan Pease .
Even according to the Institute of Psychiatry london . A girl brain can produce 6000-8000 words that can be spoken every day . Compare with a man who only 2000-4000 words per day .
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