Friday, 18 October 2013

5 Principles of Steve Jobs

Who does not know Steve Jobs ? One of the founding figures behind the founding of Apple 's success and during its life has principles . Here are some principles of Steve Jobs is the most widely cited and may be the principle that people can be as successful even beyond Steve Jobs .

Do what you love . Steve Jobs once said to a group of employees , "People with passion can change the world for the better . " Jobs followed his heart and passion for life , he said , that has made all the changes . It is very difficult to create something new , be creative or make a novel idea if you do not have the passion to make progress .
Make changes to the world . Spirit is rocket fuel , but vision directs the rocket to its final destination . In 1976 , when Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple together , Jobs 's vision is to put a computer in every hand of every day . In 1979 , Jobs saw the beginning of the use of graphical user interface shown in Xerox research site in Palo Alto , California . He soon learned that technology can make computers appealing to ordinary people . The technology eventually become the Macintosh , which changed everything the way we interact with computers . Xerox researchers are not aware of the potential of these technologies because their vision is limited to making new copiers . Two people can look at something similar , but different mempresepsikannya based on their vision .
Starter brain . Steve Jobs said , " Creativity means to connect a lot of things . " Linking here means finding inspiration from other industries . Jobs never took a calligraphy class that he did not use the benefit until he made the Macintosh . He also went to Asia and India to study hospitality and design . Jobs does not " steal " ideas as much as he used the ideas from other industries to inspire his own creation .
Sell ​​dreams , not products . For Steve Jobs , people who buy Apple rpduk not a " consumer " . They are people with hopes , dreams and ambitions . He makes products to help people achieve their dreams . He also said , " some people think you're crazy for buying a Mac , but in that craziness we see genius . " How do we see our customers ? Let's help put out their genius and you will get your heart and mind .
Say no to 1000 things . Steve Jobs once said , " I am proud of what we do and we are doing " . He is committed to making products that are simple with a neat design . And commitment can be seen from homemade products . Ranging from the design of the iPod to the iPad , Apple's product packaging , to the functions on the website . In the Apple world , innovation means eliminating the unnecessary so that the necessary may arise .


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