Saturday, 19 October 2013

The discovery history Watches

Have ye imagined how ancient people know the time ? A timer / clock have evolved over time , from early discovered to date . Do you know ? The word clock was used in the 14th century about 700 years ago , which is derived from the Latin ' clocca ' .

According to historical records , or the sundial sundial is the oldest clock in human civilization . This clock was made by an expert Astronomy Muslim named Ibn al - Shatir about 3,500 years before Christ . This clock shows the time based on the location of the sun , by utilizing shade that hit a flat surface . Ibn al - Shatir split time in the day to 12 hours , in the winter a short time , while in the summer time is longer .

Around 5,000-6,000 years ago , Egyptians measure time and create a calendar using the obelisk . In 1400 BC Egyptians also used the water clock called clepsydra . The most sophisticated water clocks were first discovered in the reign of Islam made ​​by Al - Jaziri in the year 1136-1206 in the form of an elephant and can produce sounds in each hour . Largest astronomical clock made ​​Al - Jazari called Castle Clock , which is considered to be the first programmable analog computer .
In the Islamic world , Al - Jazari is not the only scientist who created the clock . Many other scientists are also noted to have found some kind of clock . However , the discovery of the most famous water clock was made ​​by Al - Jazari . While the hourglass appeared around 1400 BC , based on relics found in the tomb Amenhoterp I, a small vessel filled with water that has a hole on the bottom that serves tears .
To watch with a mechanical actuator , never mind the origin of the discovery . However , the equipment was allegedly first discovered and used in monasteries as a means of calling the monks or nuns to pray to be tolled on time .
European societies are new to clock -controlled ballast in the year 1300. The bell that tolled every hour , first shown by the bells of Milan in 1335 and the bell in Salisbury Cathedral , London in 1386 . While the new spring -driven clock controlled Western civilization in 1430 . British Society started making watches in 1580 . And about 1525 Peter Henlein , a locksmith from Nuremberg , Germany to introduce at home with diameter10 - 12 , and ketebalan7 5 cm , 5 cm .
The end of the 16th century , the bells began to be made upright and in the early 17th century began to be wrapping machine of brass , enriched with a glass cover and a needle minutes . Not only that , starting in 1656 also introduced the bells with weights and pendulum short roped wrapped in a wooden box and can be hung on the wall .
In 1929 began to be applied on quartz crystal timing device / hour . Digital clock / electric company first made by the Hamilton Watch Co. of Lancaster , Pennsylvania around 1950 . After that , start popping a few brands and models of watches today.
Photo : / photobucket.comFrom various sources


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