Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Body Parts Guy Likes Girls

Which body part of a pair that you like the most ? The answer must be varied , it tastes different backgrounds . But in fact , from a survey involving more than 100 girls , revealed 10 parts of the body that makes them addicted guy - crazy . Want to know what are they? Most was predictable , but there are other parts that may escape the attention of a guy who was also lured women. Here , as quoted from

1 . buttocksButtocks was ranked first body part like the weather guy . It shows a girl not much different from the guy . Some girls said they liked the butt -shaped " half moon " , while others prefer buttocks " little turn " .

2 . Mr . PThis guy mainstay body parts are in the order of two . The survey revealed the girl does not specialize in problem size Mr . P , as the saying goes "size does matter" , tetep still apply . But more importantly a lot of girls said the area around Mr . P is very important , including Mr skin color . P is proportional , not too deep , not too short , not too big , too thick and the weather is a concern Mr aroma . P. guy is highly recommended to always maintain healthy so it does not produce a pungent scent to smell a girl .

3 . stomachNot surprisingly, most of the girls please guy flat stomach . Some girls do not want a muscular stomach , but a flat stomach is more than good .

4 . hipsgirls who have smaller hips look better . girls love a guy who was also a narrow hipped . This very girl sukain mainly doing tongs during intercourse .

5 . handIn another survey mentions girl guy hands say a lot about him . This refers to other things such as what he can do and what he radiated about him in the world , all comes from the hand . The bottom line happy girl lick fingers guy still had his hands so clean and healthy is very important for the guy .

6 . tongueOne of the girls admired the talent that guy is a guy the ability to use his tongue . Many girls claim that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body although this is still debated . The tongue can be used for a kiss , than used during oral sex , lidahlah the most part.

7 . lipgirl enjoys full lips shape is not just for aesthetic appeal but for something more intimate to do together . But the girls have different pleasures , some like thick bottom lip .

8 . Arm musclesA little arm muscle contains not only illustrates the strength , also reflect the good care . As well as the chest , biceps muscle girls love to see when wearing sweater / t - shirt .

9 . chestAll the guys generally like a sexy pair of breasts , as well as girls have the same taste when viewing chest guy . Most of the girls said they were curious as to what clothes chest behind the guy . Sweater / t - shirt guy inherent in the body , revealing curious what's in there .

10 . shoulderIn the survey , respondents menyatakn that the shoulder is the 10th of the favored body parts guy . girls like a guy , broad as a sign of strength and masculinity .

Well , part of the body so your favorite ?


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