Research at the University of Wellington , New Zealand , revealed that 47 percent of respondents guys tend to look to the chest before seeing the face of a girl. Gaze to the breast is also relatively longer than to other body parts .
But , do you know a recent study conducted by the University Wroclow have revealed various types of guys stare at girls breasts , which may make you to be careful in choosing a guy .
University Wroclow tried watching 128 men who were asked to pay attention to women's breasts in three different viewpoints .
According to the study , men are attracted to large breasted girl is a typical romantic guy who does not want a commitment . Quite often they are just playing around in a short-term relationship .
Whereas boys prefer small breasted girl is typical of the faithful and committed . Surely , they are interested in the other side of you .
" As expected , more likely to make a playboy rating than those who were loyal perfection . This is why they are more likely to choose a girl with a perfect body shape in men 's eyes , "said the researchers , quoted from .
They also found that the group of guys that love the shape of the breast is a medium to large group of guys that can attract the attention of a girl physically .
However, a relationship expert YouBeauty , Viren Swami , Ph.D. , said that breast size is the umpteenth of appeal chick . " When guys rate the attractiveness of a girl , the most important criteria are the facial features , the overall body size and shape of the body such as the breasts , buttocks , leg length , and the other , " he said .
But clearly , some men are very concerned with breast size than any other organ . " But , generally it will not affect the assessment appeal in the same way when guys look at other parts of the body or the personality of a girl. "
So , be careful with a guy stares . Must be firm if encounter a guy who is always looking at your breast !
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