Saturday, 19 October 2013

Prevent Flu By Following These 7 Foods

Extreme weather changes can cause many different kinds of diseases . One is the flu . Sneezing , headache , and cough can make your days become very uncomfortable . Prevent Flu By Following These 7 Foods Therefore before getting the flu , there is no harm in seven foods you eat is to prevent the flu .
 1 . Broccoli 
No one thinks that broccoli also contains vitamin C that can boost immunity . Besides broccoli and other vegetables contain nutrients that can increase white blood cells to fight infections that are useful . And the bonus is the broccoli is also rich in calcium and fiber .
 2 . As reported Blueberry , 
blueberry fruit is known as having the highest antioxidant levels compared to other fruits . It also contains quercetin and flavonoids which act as antihistamines and anti - inflammatory that may protect against heart attacks and cancer .
 3 . Salmon 
 fish rich in omega 3 's can not only help reduce the risk of heart disease but can also encourage the growth of lymphocytes that can improve the body immunity . Salmon is also rich in vitamin D can protect the respiratory system against infection . 4 . Plant tubers are rich in beta-carotene which can also boost the immune system . Besides vitamin A contained in it will preserve health mucus membranes lining the nose and the throat . 5 . Ginger Ginger contains more anti - viral properties that help to fight some viruses cause colds and flu . Research has shown that ginger has antibacterial properties and can help to prevent some infections . Add the ginger in your tea steeping every day to boost immunity during winter . 6 . Chili Capsaicin , a chemical compound found in chili proven effective to help clean the nasal cavity . When the flu began to attack , try eating soup with a sprinkling of pepper or chili -containing foods . 7 . Besides yogurt good for the digestive system of the body , a cup of yogurt are rich in calcium are also a source of essential mineral for immune . That's 7 foods that can prevent flu . It never hurts to start taking one of the 7 foods to protect your body from harm flu .


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