1 . Picking Pieces / Paint HairHair is the crown of a girl . Generally , girls love to change hair style or hair color even on a regular basis . Choose a hair color that does not turn off your skin color , but also not too much contrast with the color of skin .
For haircuts , you can look younger by including variation in hair bangs . Thick bangs straight , to the left or right , can give the impression of a sweet . While short bangs and thin , can give a fresh impression .
2 . False Using Eye MakeupEyes and eyebrows are two important things that also affect your appearance . Many people love the smokey eyes , even though not all need eyes smokey eyes . You can use the soft to bold smokey eyes , adjust to your eyes . If you do not use the smokey eyes , affirmed shape your eyebrows and use mascara and thin eyeliner makeup so as not to seem too mature .
3 . Using the Color GreyGray color such as gray and black may seem cool , but also the impression of weight and make your face seem heavy . Avoid brown gray , pale lavender , pale gray and pale brownish red color to avoid the visible aging makeup .
4 . Using A Very Loose ClothingClothes were so loose it can also add to the impression of old on your body . If you want to wear clothing that memorable batwing , use with adequate width . Eg for body size S , batwing in size L seem to be enough instead of using size XL that make you look too deep .
5 . Sleep DeprivationIn addition to performances , mistakes that can make you look older is the sleep deprivation . Body less rest , producing dull skin , eyes themselves are not marsupial and excited . It radiates from your face and can make you look older , even premature aging faster .
6 . The Excessive jewelrySparkling jewelry is beautiful when worn . But using it in the wrong ocassion or clothing , as well as too much , will make you look older . Use jewelry enough so you do not interfere with performance .
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