Many parts of the body can be in plastic surgery in order to aesthetically more beautiful , like the face , eyes , nose and other parts of the body , but there was also you know those people yanag plastic surgery which is not usual people in general . The following 5 Unusual Plastic Surgery in Perform , as quoted from
1 . Hand linesIn Japan whose name is being ngtren hand line operations this is done so they have a good fortune like pecintaan finance , asamara , and other good fortune .
In Japan there is a such thing as the art of fortune-telling Palmistry hand lines to predict the future .
2 . Eye colorFor those who are tired of having oran color black eye surgery now there is a method to permanently change eye color , would you freely choose eye color do you like , red , yellow , green and other colors . The operation itself was pioneered by Dr. Kenneth Rosenthal as a way to fix various eye defects .
3 . shape of the footDr. Oliver Zong , director of surgery at NYC Footcare , specializing in foot surgery . Zong doing what he calls Foot Facelift , which is an operation that includes shortening toes to make the legs look more slender .
4 . Operating Angle LipsThis operation is the trend in Asia and that seing woman nah do it is the purpose of this operation is that you will always look a smile . The operation itself will beberikan little incision in the right hemisphere and the left side of the lip .
5 . dimpleNot all people have dimples so that people who want to have dimples would choose surgery dimples . The surgery itself is done by providing sddikit cuts on the inside of the cheek . However , this procedure does not leave a mark or scar incision on the outer skin .
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